How to install SpruceJoy code?

It only takes a few minutes to install SpruceJoy on your website. Once installed, you’ll be able to sell paid subscription plan to your users.

Table of content

  1. Installing the Code
  2. FAQs

1. Installing the Code

  • Get your code: your account has a unique and personalized snippet that points to your app. Make sure you use the code our account manager sent to you.

  • Paste the code just after the START of <head> section of your website's back end.

    WARNING: Make sure the SpruceJoy code before any advertising script / code.

  • Example HTML page before the SpruceJoy code has been added

<!-- This is the head of your page.-->

<title>Example HTML page</title>
<!-- prefetch link -->
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//scripts.mediavine.com' />
<!-- script-->
<script type='text/javascript' src='SOME URL'></script>
This is the body of your page.
  • Example HTML page with the SpruceJoy code added in the body
<!--- This is the head of your page.--->
<!-- BEGIN SpruceJoy Code -->
<script src="https://es.sprucejoy.com/s/2_60476277b5ca1.js"></script>
<!-- END SpruceJoy Code -->

<title>Example HTML page</title>
<!--- prefetch link --->
<link rel='dns-prefetch' href='//scripts.mediavine.com' />
<!--- script--->
<script type='text/javascript' src='SOME URL'></script>
This is the body of your page.

2. Place "Subscribe" Button on your website (Optional)

3. FAQs

  • Will SpruceJoy affect page load times?
    • No. Your site will load just as fast as it does today. SpruceJoy is loaded asynchronously. This means it won’t slow down your page or prevent users from interacting with your site. SpruceJoy also uses a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to ensure that SpruceJoy appears as efficiently as possible no matter where in the world your users are coming from.